Paper Engineering Activities


Pop-ups are an endlessly fascinating way to explore geometry in motion. This page contains activities on ways to create and observe what is happening with one particular mechanism in paper engineering, the V-fold. Below are illustrated step-by-step instructions on how to make flat and tented v-folds, along with a template at the end to create a Monster Mouth pop-up card!

V-Fold Exploration

Video Tutorial:

This video goes over each of the steps illustrated below. So if you run into a snag or get stumped, try the video.

Materials Needed:

  • Paper (card stock preferred)
  • Scissors
  • 1/2" masking tape (or washi tape)
  • A pencil

Flat V-Fold

Step 1:

Start with 2 pieces of paper. I recommend a light weight card stock. Fold one of the pages and set it aside, this will be the base of your pop-up.

Step 2:

Take the second sheet of paper and cut it in half widthwise. Now you have two half sheets of paper. Take one of those and fold one corner diagonally across to the other side to form a triangle. Grab your scissors and cut at a right angle about 2 inches away from the from the edge that was just folded over. When you unfold this new shape, it will look like a square with a fold connecting two corners.

Tip: If the final shape looks more like a wonky square, fold it back into a triangle and try to trim off enough to get it closer to all right angles.

Step 3:

Next draw a point on the two corners that connect with a fold. Near the top point write the letter "A", and write the letter "B" near the bottom point. To show the angle of the corner with Point A, draw a curved line over Point A and write "C=90°".

We will use these labels to describe our pop-ups later.

Step 4:

Now we will attach the shape to the base that we folded in half for Step 1. Place the corner with Point A as close to the top of the fold, and line up Point B with the fold, so both folds should line up. Place a piece of tape on the top to edges of the square.

Once the shape is attached, fold the base page closed and make sure Point B is "popped-up" and moving away from the base as it closes.

Attaching the shape with tape to the base. Folding the pop-up closed.

Guiding Questions:

Take a moment to pause and observe the v-fold pop-up mechanism before moving to the next step.

  1. What role does the base page play in the pop-up movement?
  2. What is the relationship between Point A and Point B as we open and close the base page?

Use the blank space around on the base page to take some notes that will help in your observations:

  • Tape holds the shape to the base
  • A is fixed and does not move
  • B moves upwards towards A when base closes
  • B moves downwards away from A when base opens
  • What else?

Step 5:

Let's add another shape to the same page. Take the other half sheet that was created in step 2. Fold it in the same way as before, and cut out another square. Fold the square on its diagonal fold and cut a sliver off of the edge. Start with your scissors on the folded edge, a pinky fingers width from the corner, and cut towards the corner with to points.

Step 6:

When you unfold the new shape, it should look like this. A bit of a wonky square. On the corner that was trimmed (it will look like an obtuse angle) draw a dot with the letter "A" like before. Do the same with the bottom corner (it will look like a right angle) and draw a dot with the letter "B". Now we will label the angle by drawing a curve around Point A and writing "C=120°". It may not be exactly 120°, but what matters is that it is greater than 90°.

Step 7:

Attach the new shape in the same way as before to the base page. This time align Point B with the bottom edge of the base fold and make sure Point A is in line with the base fold as well. Add your tale to the top two edges, and fold the base closed.

Tip: You will need to place the top corner of this shape under the bottom point of the first shape. It might be easier to put the tape on the edges before you place the shape.

Attaching Shape 2 with tape and folding the pop-up closed.

Guiding Questions:

Take another moment to pause and observe the two pop-ups on this page before moving to the next step. Also great job by the way! Look at the cool thing you made!

  1. What do you notice different about this shape?
  2. How is the relationship between Point A and B different from Shape 1 to Shape 2?
  3. What role does Angle C play in the difference?

Use the blank space around on the base page to take some notes that will help in your observations:

  • Point B travels farther on Shape 2
  • Point B travels faster on Shape 2
  • The greater Angle C is, the farther/faster it will travel
  • Is there more?

Step 8:

Let's add one more shape to this creation. Cut another square out of the scrap paper left over, smaller than the other ones you made. Fold it diagonally like the others. Write "child" on this one.

Step 9:

Attach the small square labeled "child" to the top edge of Shape 1. Use the edge of Shape 1 to line up the center fold on the Child. Tape the top of the square to the base, and the side touching Shape 1. Label Shape 1 as "parent".

As you fold the base closed, help the Child to fold properly and pop out. You will notice that it will stick out of the top. You can leave it this way, or fold it inside itself like I show in the video tutorial.

Guiding Questions:

  1. What is different about this addition?
  2. How does being attached to Parent affect Child?

Some notes I took on my page

  • Parent is pushing child upwards
  • Child inherits the position and motion of Parent + adds their own

Tented V-Fold

Step 1:

Begin with 2 pieces of paper. Fold one of the pages and set it aside, this will be the base of your pop-up.

Step 2:

Cut the other page in half, like before, and fold it in the same way as before, and cut out another square.

Step 3:

Next draw a point on the two corners that connect with a fold. Near the top point write the letter "A", and write the letter "B" near the bottom point. To show the angle of the corner with Point A, draw a curved line over Point A and write "C=90°".

Step 4:

Place the square somewhere near the center of the your base paper. Make sure the base center fold is aligned with the fold of the shape. Trace the top to edges with a pencil and rotate the shape on Point A towards the left. Now attach the right side with tape.

Step 5:

Attach the left side of the square by putting the tape on loosely and folding it closed. When you open it, it will show as a tented v-fold.

Guiding Questions:

  1. How does this shape act differently from the flat v-folds?
  2. How does the angle of attachment affect the position and movement of Point B?

Some things I noticed:

  • The shape will be tented if the attachment angle is less than 90°.
  • Tented v-folds travel slower and a shorter distance than flat v-folds.

Monster Mouth Activity

To make the monster mouth pop-up card, download the PDF below and watch the video for instructions. Feel free to make them colorful and wild! Have fun with it!


  • Cardstock
  • Scissors
  • Tacky Glue
  • Coloring utensils


Monster Mouth Template

Other ideas:

Write a story about your monster. What is its name? What does it like to eat? Where is it from? Does it have a little sister? What does its voice sounds like? My monster sounds a lot like me. Get to know your monster!

I would love to see your work!

Send me an email with a picture or short video of your project, and I will give you feedback and post some of the examples here on this page!

Email me at